Health, Safety and Environment

Fabrication of various types of vessels, storage tanks, etc. involves various hazards such as fire, explosion, electrocution, etc. Fabtech Group recognizes that the company has moral, economic, social and legal obligations to provide and maintain safe working conditions in all its work areas. The company, therefore, adopts and promulgates the policy set out below for the purpose of creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment.
The company considers Safety, Health and Environment as its prime objectives. The management is of the firm opinion that all incidents like near miss, minor and major injuries, fire, etc. are preventable.
All the fabrication units and their supporting services have adopted techniques for safe handling, storing and disposing of all substances safely and without creating any unacceptable risk to equipment, human life or the environment. All activities relating to construction and maintenance, including contract services, also ensure safe practices.
The company continues to follow all statutory regulations related to occupational safety, health and environment. It adopts its own safety and health standards where such laws or regulations may not be available to prevent accidents.
The company also imparts training in safety and occupational health to all its employees, both in-house and through specialized institutes. The company continues to give due consideration to integrate health and safety in all decisions including those dealing with purchase of plant, equipment, machinery and material as well as selection and placement of personnel.